Here is the part of David’s blog that caught my interest:
A Guide to Different Services
(a) 23andMe
Price: $99 or $199 with health info (plus $9.95 shipping)
Tests: Autosomal, Y-DNA, mtDNA, Health
Match Database: 1 million
Autosomal SNPs tested: 650,000
Named after the 23 chromosomes found in human cells, 23andMe offers quite a large range of tests, including health tests
(b) Ancestry DNA
Ancestry is the big name in DNA services, in large part because of its ongoing affiliation with the Mormon Church and their fascination with genealogical record keeping. Its offerings pre-date its DNA testing. The service is a separate subscription service that offers access to a wide range of databases and research resources.
Price: $99
Tests: Autosomal, Y-DNA, mtDNA
Match Database: Just getting started
Autosomal SNPs tested: 638,000
(c) Living DNA
This is a UK-based genomics firm that offers autosomal DNA data, as well as a breakdown of matrilineal and patrilineal lines. DNA data is gathered through a mouth swab. We liked how shipping for the test kit is free. If you’re looking for a DNA service that can match you to other possible relatives throughout the world, Living DNA is not the service for you.
(d) National Geographic Geno DNA Kit
Price: $99.95 paid by Donald. Now $69.95
Tests: Autosomal, Y-DNA, mtDNA
Match Database: 230,000
Autosomal SNPs tested: 700,000
If you’re more interested in the societal aspects of your genetic makeup than finding family connections, the National Geographic Genographics Project may well be a fascinating service to participate in.
While the Genographics Project labs are run by the same Gene-by-Gene firm that runs Family Tree DNA, test results are aimed at helping you trace your ancestors, not just down your mother’s and father’s line, but also based on chromosomal markers, to help you gain insights into ancestors who may not have been on your direct parental lines.
If you’re more interested in answering questions like “Where did I come from?” and “How far back can I trace my DNA?” rather than “Who was my great, great, great grandfather?” then this test may be for you.
Link to Explore National Geographics Geno DNA Kit.
Family Tree DNA
This offers Paternal Ancestry (Y-DNA) starting at $169 US, Maternal Ancestry (mt DNA) for $199 US and Family Finder (autosomal DNA) for $79 US.
Donal chose the latter test and the results are set out later in this article.