ear Donald,

We continue the Jerrems Saga and migration from England
to Australia and the U.S. Some of the names may be
familiar to those who go way back.

Our historian Ray has rewritten some of the Introduction
that appeared in the March edition. Bear with us. Remember,
some Jerrems will be reading this a 100 years from now, so
we want the historical record to be accurate.

Introduction – Redux

Ray Jerrems, Family Genealogist, Historian
How the Project Jerrems Got Started

This document is intended to set out where we have reached in
research on the people with the surname Jerrems in the USA. I
have included details of earlier generations in England for
general interest. The result is a rather detailed and technical
document which does not make easy reading but records virtually
all the genealogical research I (and others) have carried out. I
have also drafted other documents, of an historical nature,
picking up on different aspects of interest regarding the
Jerrems families. I will send a list of these later.

My wife and I had been researching the Jerrems history in
Australia. By a stroke of luck a distant relative in Melbourne
(Noel Burns) and his wife Laurel had done a vast amount of
research in 2001 and I got hold of it from him. It went back to
the 1730s and forward (for our purposes) to the 1850s when a
flock of Jerrems people came to Australia (including my great
grandfather Charles), followed later by a William George
Jerrems who had married a Mary Nicholl in Gainsborough, England
in 1867.

To give an idea of the problems facing a researcher based in
Australia, you have a population of almost 300 million people
and 50 States with separate registration schemes.

I have had a low success rate in searching female lines (e.g.
searching daughters of Jerrems families where the daughters have
, particularly where the husbands have popular
surnames, because of the amount of work involved and my lack of
access to US marriage records. My success rate for searching
“Jerrems” in the US Censuses (a major source of information) has
also been variable, due primarily to the fact that only part of
the Censuses are available on line, and some of the
transcriptions from handwriting have been inaccurate. Also, the
latest Census available to the public was taken in 1930, over 3
generations ago.

Details Of Thomas And Elizabeth’s Children

Ray Jerrems, Family Genealogist, Historian
Focusing on William George, the First (US Forebearer)

Note: The reason for specifying William George Jerrems l is that
most of the current Jerrems people in the US trace back to him.
Initially William George migrated to Australia in 1859 (see
above for details) and married Mary Nicoll in Australia in 1867.
After the birth of 4 children they went to the US, possibly in
1876 (the year given by 2 of the boys in the 1920 Census), then
to England (where Mae was born in 1879), then back to the US in
1881 (the year given by 2 of the girls in the 1920 Census) or in
1883 (the year given in William George’s obituary).

William George Jerrems l b1843 in Gainsborough UK, dMay 4th
or 5th 1905 in French Lick Springs, Indiana (125 miles south of
Indianapolis) (source- obituary), mMary Nicoll 1867 (born in
England but date of birth not known, father Alexander Nicoll) in
Australia. Issue were William George ll, Ellen or Hellen, Arthur
Wallace, Alexander Nicholl (all born in Sydney), Mae and Annie
Letitia (born in UK), and Donald Edwin l (born in US).
SSN for WG. Mary Nicoll died about 1930 in Santa Monica,
California (source-newspaper report of unknown date on probate
of her will) (no SSN). Possible that she lived with daughters
Mae and Helen in Pasadena after William died, possibly the same
person shown as “Mae” in the 1920 and 1930 Censuses.

Note that her siblings were Walter, Alexander, Emma, Letitia,
Fanny, Annie, Helen, Alfred, and Donald, some of whose names
have been carried into later Jerrems generations (source Sydney
Ann’s handwritten family tree prepared as a schoolgirl).

William George ll b1869 Sydney (NSW BD&M records) d1945
(SSDI) Kansas City. Named after father. First marriage to
Frances Lee Hinckley on January 21st 1891 (Illinois records),
issue Walter b1891 (later known as Walter Hinckley Jerrems
Coleman). Presumably divorced. Second marriage to Genevieve
Byford in 1897 (newspaper items), issue Marjorie born 1898,
William George b 1904. Divorced 1910 (newspaper items). Third
marriage to Anna Stapler c 1914 (note that Anna had distant
Cherokee ancestry which Charles Keller (a JJ subscriber)
has traced back), issue Alexander Stapler and Sydney Ann.
Resident in Chicago 1891 to 1908, Pasadena to 1913, back to
Chicago, then to Kansas City in 1917. Number of newspaper
clippings available, including obituary and death notice. No

Ellen/ Hellen Elizabeth, b1870 Sydney. Called Ellen in
NSW BD&M records and Hellen in USA records, d1943 in Orange
(there is an Orange 50 miles south-west of LA, probably a suburb
of LA) per CDI. Seems to have lived most of life in Pasadena
with sister Mae (per 1920 and 1930 Censuses) but when her mother
died she was living at Donald Edwin’s address (1541 Astor St
Chicago) according to the grant of probate of her mother’s will
(which also shows that Hellen received a larger proportion of
the estate than her siblings, possibly indicating that Hellen
looked after her in her later years). Censuses indicate she was
never married, no issue. No SSN.

Arthur Wallace b1872 Sydney (NSW BD&M records), mMary
(b1877 Iowa) in 1896 in US. In Chicago (4628 Lake Ave) per 1910
Census (Merchant-Tailor), dc 24 May1931 at home at 657 Vine Ave
Highland Park (14 miles north of Chicago centre), bur c 26 May
1931 Oakwoods Cemetery Chicago. Obituary (Highland Press d 28
May 1931) confirms wife was Mary (born c1874 in Iowa, per 1930
Census) and shows son Arthur Wallace Jr. (no other issue
referred to in obituary or Censuses). Visited Australia in
1920s. !910 Census refers to servant Named after paternal and
maternal uncles respectively. No SSN.

Alexander Nicholl/Nicoll b1874 Sydney (NSW BD&M records),
dSeptember 21 1948 Los Angeles (CDI). Apparently studied at
University of Minnesota (numerous internet references to an
Alexander Jerrems being the playing Head Coach of the University
of Minnesota Gophers Football Team 1896-7). 1920 Census says he
mMary (nee Bell, b 1879 D of Columbia) c1896. Children Alexander
Nicholl Jr, Marabel and Virginia. Rented at 5344 Hyde Park
Boulevarde in 1920 with family, plus widowed mother-in-law
Adelaide Bell (b1852 Illinois) and an Irish servant. Occupation
Tailor. Also lived there later when his mother died. Named after
paternal grandfather. No SSN.

Donald Edwin l born 15 October 1882 or 15 October 1885
(there are 2 different versions but 1885 is better supported)
Chicago, died 4 July 1930 Chicago, mRosalind Wollensak (b 27
March 1882 Illinois, d 6 February 1941) in 1909. Lived at 115
East Chestnut St Chicago City with servant per 1910 Census
(occupation Tailor) and later 1541 Astor St Chicago. Named after
maternal and paternal uncles respectively. No SSN. Note that
Donald Edwin lll has family tree on the Wollensak side, which is
also in the LDS Family Tree collection (Vol. 65, Tree 1136).

Annie Letitia, b13/9/1882 in England (Death Cert),
d19/12/1970 Costa Mesa CA. Married Marquette “Mark” Ambrose
Healy (b10/1/1883 Chicago d6/10/1953 Orange Co. CA) on 1/9/1906
in Chicago (IGI). Children Mary Patricia, Marquette Ambrose and
Vincent Jerrems Healy b.29/10/1918 Ill., d2/8/1982 Orange Co.
CA. Family lived in Glencoe, Chicago in 1910 (1910 Census). In
1930 family (except for Mary Patricia) were in Congress, Yavapai
Co., Arizona (1930 Census). Family went to CA mid 1930s. No SSN
for anyone.

Mae (possibly also known as Mary) bNovember 18th 1879 in
UK (CDI). Married Kennard (b in California, full name and other
details not known) in 1902 and had son Donald Jerrems Kennard
(bDec 15th 1915, dJuly 4th 2003 in Long Beach LA, SSN
563-34-1975). Mae d December 16th 1950 in LA (CDI). Divorced
Kennard in 1920s (comparison of 1920 and 1930 Censuses) and
resided as head of house with sister Hellen at 501(?) Palmer St
Pasadena as per 1920 Census. Resided together in Pasadena in
1930 also (1930 Census). SSN deleted.

The Story of Mary and Jane

Ray Jerrems
Beyond the Gravestone

This is the story of the two gravestones of Mary Jerrems and
Jane Jerrems photographed by Sue Jerrems.

But who was Mary? She was the great great great great
grandmother of Jerrems readers like you and I, with an extra
“great” for the next generation. Her gravestone shows that she
was born in 1750 and died on 15th January 1821, facts we did not
previously know. We do not know when her husband William (the
son of William and Cecelia Jerom) died but the gravestone
indicates that Mary died before him, otherwise one would expect
William to have been referred to as “the late William” or
“William (deceased)”.

Mary and William had 5 children, Jane, Mary (who died at birth),
William (who we have nicknamed “Big Bill”), Robert and John.
Later, Big Bill had a farm in Willingham-on-Stow,
possibly the farm was originally owned by his parents William
and Mary and even his grandfather William Jerom.

And who was Jane? Mary and William’s daughter Jane was
born in 1778, whereas the Jane referred to on the other
gravestone was born in 1798. Although people often gave the same
name to a later child when an earlier child died at a young age
this is unlikely to be the case here because Mary was 48 in
1798. So I do not know who Jane was. Perhaps William Jerom had a
brother and Jane was a grand- daughter of that brother.

Anyway, Jane obviously died single and had not moved away from
Willingham-on-Stow, unlike Big Bill and many of her other
relatives who had gone to Gainsborough.

Setting aside these dry genealogical facts, it is exciting to
see our first tangible evidence that the Jerrems family did
actually live in the Gainsborough area. Sure, we have seen
numerous references in genealogical records, but here is
something really set in stone (pardon the pun). To think that
Mary Jerrems (in particular) was buried near that gravestone in
that pretty graveyard on 15th January 1821 and that the
gravestone is still there is amazing.

One can picture the scene at her funeral. It is midwinter and
the leaves on the trees in the churchyard have long since
fallen. The small St Helens Church has been packed with mourners
because the Jerrems family has lived at Willingham- by-Stow and
been parishioners of the church for almost a century. William
and Mary have been stalwarts of the local community and all and
sundry have flocked to the church to show their respects.

People who could not squeeze into the church are standing
outside in their heavy coats, trying to keep warm. But the
coldness of this winter’s day in northern England is tempered by
the minister’s reminder that Mary had had a full and rewarding
life. She had reached the age of 72, a good age for those days,
and 4 of her children are in their forties. There are numerous
grandchildren who have filled her home with their laughter and
regaled her with their stories. This is a celebration of her
life, not a mourning of her passing.

Mary’s son Big Bill, who has established a flourishing
grocery shop in Gainsborough, has come over from Gainsborough
(about 5 miles away) for the service. With him are his wife
Elizabeth and their 6 children, all rugged up for the half hour

The older girls (Ann aged 16 and Elizabeth aged 12) know the
significance of the passing of their grandmother and wear black
like the adults. But the younger boys (Thomas aged 7, later to
become our great great grandfather, and Ecclesiastes aged 6)
have not yet fully grasped the significance. Youngster John aged
3 and baby Mary think it is fun to have Grandpa and so many
aunts, uncles and cousins to talk to.

The family have not stinted on the gravestone, which has been
put in place in the graveyard a stone’s throw from the church
which had formed such a part of her life. The stonemason has
selected his best piece of stone and has carefully chiselled it.
When the mourners spill out of the church after the funeral
service they admire its artistry.

Returning to the present day, in 2006 the chiselling on the
upper part of the gravestone is still sharp. Unfortunately the
lower part has been eaten away by the damp kept there by decades
of weeds, but this does not detract from the significance of the
gravestone to us.

I am sure that when Sue photographed the gravestone she had a
feeling of awe that Jerry’s great great great great grandmother
lay beneath her feet. Goodbye great great great great grandma
Mary! May you continue to rest in peace.


Don, Editor of the JJ
Odds and Ends about the Jerrems Journal

Just a note on Internet security.

=== Because we use a third-party secure email service, your PC
can not get infected with a virus from these emails, although it
appears we are sending attachments.

=== We do not disclose family email addresses to protect your
privacy and avoid interception by hackers.

=== From our third-party email service, I am able to determine
who opens their Jerrems Journal and who clicks on the links.
These links go to images that accompany the stories, such as
Sue’s trip to the UK in June and Didier’s trip to the desert in

Only a few of you click on the links, so you are missing out.
For example, if you click on the link below, you will see a
picture of me!

Letters to the Editor

Laurel and Laurie Gray
Our Most Senior Subscribers

Charles Albert Druery and Doris and family moved to Dunstafnage
Street Hurlstone Park. I know my father Charles was born in
Greenwich. My father Charles was married from Hurlstone Park
whence he and his wife Jessie Hetherington moved to
Brighton-le-Sands in 1932. where Laurel and Dorothy grew up and
lived till they married. Charles and Jessie lived their till
they died in 1984 (Jessie) and 1987 (Charles). When I (Laurel)
was small Charles Albert Druery and Doris and their daughters
moved to Dalmar Street Croydon a suburb of Sydney whee they
lived till Elsie married and Doris died and Doris Jnr moved to

Laurie and I have just been to the U.S.A.! Yes, we had a
wonderful three weeks holiday in Hawaii mostly spent on the big
island with friends who live there. Dorothy has had surgery for
breast cancer (in June) and is undergoing chemotherapy for the
next three months. Laurie and I are attending the christenings
of two new great grandsons on Sunday and another is due at the
end of September. Our son Paul’s family is very fruitful!

Ray’s Note: Laurel is my second cousin; we share a common great
grandfather Charles, one of the family that migrated from
Gainsborough to Australia in the 1850s.