The above photo shows Stephanie and Brian with bridesmaids and barkeepers all have the appearance of employees in a casino or saloon.
We leave it to the readers to decide whether it was taken in 1913 or 2013. Both seem to fit.
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Feedback and Followup |
Ray Jerrems
Thanks to our Worldwide Readership
This Newsletter carries on from the 100th Newsletter because we had assembled too much material to fit into the 100th.
I had asked many of our readers to comment on the landmark of reaching the 100th edition. The response was very gratifying, so I have set out their comments below. In some cases I have abbreviated the comments.
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From our Readers |
Leila Menzies
Leila is one of our original readers who is distantly related via Alexander Jerrems the gridiron player (he married a distant relative of Leila). She has compiled a prodigious family tree and sends me updates on her family.
I have a lovely story to tell you. About six or seven years ago Leila and her husband Fred located Fred’s biological sister Alexandra (“Sandra”). Sandra lives at San Luis Obispo, a city in California, located roughly midway between Los Angeles (where Leila and Fred live) and San Francisco.
This city has always been one of their favourite cities, and since they now often stay there with Sandra it’s even more special.
Leila says that it is interesting to look for similarities between Fred and Sandra, who were brought up separately. I will leave you to draw your own conclusions from the evocative photo of (left to right) Fred, Sandra and Leila.
Incidentally, Fred and Leila will be celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary later this year!
Brian Harrison
I received two notes from longstanding reader and distant relative Brian in Sydney, Australia, who, with his cousin Ian has been researching the mysterious disappearance of his grandfather:
- Nice to hear from you. I read Jerrems Journal fully every month. I guess I feel a “very distant cousin”. But I think it has been a very interesting and worthwhile journey.
- Regarding Grandfather “Albert Edward Harrison. “Unfortunately we have not been successful in finding out what happened to him after he left the AIF in England late in 1917.
- Just read the 99th edition of Jerrems Journal. Interesting as usual. You have to be congratulated for your efforts with this Family publication.
Caroline and Anita
[photo “Sammie and Jess, Lachlan and Nathan]
My most enthusiastic reader, my daughter-in-law Caroline (mother of Lachlan and Nathan, in photo), also sent her congratulations and a photo of her boys. In case you think that Lachlan is eating newspaper, he and Nathan are actually eating damper which Caroline and Nathan cooked in the coals of a fire. Damper is a simple form of bread which was traditionally cooked in rural areas by our Australian forbears.
Another reader is my daughter Anita, who recently sent me a photo of her daughters Samantha and Jessica taken when they were on a recent holiday in France.
Dick Weindling
Dick, who hails from England, sent me a note. He is a professional historian and writer who has undertaken the huge task of researching the London suburb of Hampstead. As part of this he has researched the ancestors and family of “Nicoll the Tailor”, concentrating on Nicoll the Tailor’s brother Donald Nicoll, who carried out a lot of property development in the Hampstead area:
Congratulations on reaching the 100th edition of the newsletter.
My colleague Marianne and I have been busy with various history projects and books. We have written a two part article on Donald Nicoll which you might be interested in.
Part 1 has been published in the Camden History Review Number 36 and is attached.
Adam Marshall
[photo “Nicoll memorial” Note to readers: We will present a better image in a future edition.]
An email from Adam in England, a “Nicoll” descendant said:
Thanks very much for the message about your forthcoming centenary edition.
Since discovering the Journal, I have very much enjoyed reading it and I would like to thank you and Donald for all your work and efforts. My hearty congratulations on reaching this great milestone! I cannot say I read it regularly but I am always interested in any information or pictures relating to the Nicoll family. It was the rather accidental discovery of the Journal on the Internet which put me on the right track with my own research! I had previously been looking for Jeromes which is how the information then at my disposal erroneously named what turned out to be you the Jerrems! Without your work I would not have been where I have got to now!
So far as I am concerned my researches on the family are complete and dormant but I am interested in any new nuggets which e.g. you and Dick may uncover. There is, however, one photo which I think I sent you but which has not, so far, appeared in the Journal. It is the memorial tablet to Prof. Alexander Nicoll which is on a wall in Christchurch, Oxford (the cathedral). I attach another copy.
Ray Lloyd
Here is a short note from Ray Lloyd in England, a descendant of the “Wappenham” Jerrems family:
Thanks Ray. I will try and sort out something. Much appreciate the monthly letters.
Laurel Gray
My second cousin Laurel, who lives on the NSW South Coast and at one stage lived with her missionary husband Laurie in New Guinea, says:
I will give some thought to sending something for the 100th edition. I always read Jerrems Journal with great interest.
Mark Healy
I also received a note from Mark (a son of Annie Healy nee Jerrems, who was a daughter of William George Jerrems) to say that he has retired as a Fire Captain in California.
Helen Mitchell
Helen in Melbourne, a fellow descendant of my great great grandfather Thomas (the chap who eloped with my great great grandmother Elizabeth nee Jepson) comments that:
Hi Ray, congratulations to you and Donald. What about putting a tree together doing it by states and countries so the readers can really see where everyone fits in and if any misinformation it can be corrected.
Note to Ray: Let’s put this in the To Do list.
Steve Jerrems
Steve and his family also hail from California. Steve is also a descendant (great grandson) of William George Jerrems.
His comments started with:
I can’t tell you how much I enjoy reading the latest newsletters. Always a lot of interesting stuff.
and then referred to:
“a family update on what’s been going on over here (including a 30th anniversary, 2 college graduations, and two shortly upcoming weddings!)”.
At first glance this sounded like something out of the film “Four Weddings and a Funeral”. I wondered how a family of two parents and three children (Nick, Stephanie and Steven Jr) could be so busy?
Curious, I looked at Steven’s Facebook page and noticed that Stephanie recently married Brian Ellis. I also saw that Steve has been indulging in distance running, perhaps taking a leaf out of Warren Jerrems’s book.
No doubt we will hear more details in due course. Meanwhile I will leave you with photos from Facebook of (first photo) Steve (centre) and his sons Nick and Steve, and (second photo) Stephanie. [
Leonore Neary
I received two emails from Leonore, a descendant of Arthur Wallace Jerrems in America, who holds the “Rooster Shawl” depicted in the Journal of July 2008. Notice the flowery shawl in the background of the painting.
(a) I truly appreciate all your work on the family history and would like to share more pictures.
(b) Again thank you for keeping in touch and it has been wonderful for me to learn so much more about my grandfather’s side of my family.
Well, after all these glowing testimonies Donald and I will have to keep on rolling along with the Journal, won’t we?
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Administrivia |
Donald Jerrems, Publisher
Previews of Coming Attractions
Next month we will get an update from Angie the Jerrems Family Guardian Angel. We hear she is up for a promotion from the Jerrems Family to the Joneses. What a jump!
Old Rascal Ray has been pretty quiet lately, but he wishes to make a statement about the 100th edition.
Hey, is that OLD Rascal Ray or our YOUNG Ray in the above picture; it got sent to us alleging that a certain Ray participated with Hells Angels.
As always we will try to get to the bottom of it.