Jerrems Journal – Family News
Dear Mary,
Christmas Greeting From Los Angeles

I wish all the world-wide Jerrems a very Merry Christmas and the hope for the blessings of peace.
Pictured: Leila Menzies and husband Fred at her 40th high school reunion in July
My First Christmas Greeting
Jessica McDonnel
Hi, my name is Jessica. I live in Auckland, New Zealand. This is my first Christmas. It is very exciting!
Anita McDonnell is my mother, Brad is my dad. Both are JJ readers. Brad’s mother, Anne, took this picture. Ray and Di are my grandparents. They live in Sydney. The landscape painting behind Mummy was painted by Ray’s uncle, Rubery Bennett, the husband of Violet Jerrems. Someday that picture will be in my own house.
Merry Christmas From Up Here
George Jepson, our Great Great Great Grandfather
Since I was born in the 1780’s, this is about my 225th earthbound Christmas. Every day is Christmas up here.
Watch for a future story about me by Ray. I hope it is favorable.
Ray’s Note: George was the father of Elizabeth Jepson, who married Thomas Clarke Jerrems in Gainsborough (in England) in about 1836. Thomas and Elizabeth had 12 children, including the four boys who migrated to Australia in 1860 and formed the basis of nearly all of the current Jerrems families in Australia and the US.
Joyeux Noel de Baton Rouge Louisiane
French-born Didier Begat and editor’s Beautiful Sister, Susan nee Jerrems
Greetings From Sarasota, Florida
Jenny Jerrems and my Cats
Just to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy and Environmentally safe New Year. Stop by to see me and Alec (Scott’s brother) and Darlene if you ever visit Sarasota Florida.
To The Future And Beyond
Ari Jerrems and friend Gabriella A University Student, Canberra, Aus.
Bound for More Studies in France
Greetings for the New Year and many, many more.
“Hi” From The Teenage Subscribers to the JJ
Olivia Jerrems, Vanessa Begat, Jacqueline Jerrems
We want to wish everyone a Virtual Merry Christmas
and a Happy Real New Year … CUL 🙂
Greetings From Gulf Breeze, Florida
Warren and Mia Jerrems
Merry Christmas and may we all have a hurricane free New Year
From Paris France By Way if Holly wood and New York City
Jeanne Jerrems a/k/a Caty Green Star of Dark Odessey
Si nous voulons la paix sur terre, il nous faut tous agir pour la justice sociale et économique, et pour une population mondiale équilibrée.
If we want peace on earth, we all have to work for social and economic justice, and a balanced world population.
Have a Merry Christmas and watch out for a Dark Odessey coming to your Silver Screen next year.
Reflections on What’s Important
Best Wishes to all and, especially, to those who welcome our friendship.
Greetings From Las Vegas, Nevada
This is from an Alaska cruise. The funny thing was the pic they took as we were getting ready to board the ship. We look like my Ma and Pa Kettle on a bad day. That’s what happens when you switch planes too often, arrive late and have to make a mad dash to the ship, arriving just in time. Jerry and I never fail to burst out laughing when we see it.
We hope you enjoy the Christmas Season…have a Happy New year.
Greetings from the South Pole Substation of the North Pole
Ho Ho Ho! I am packed up and ready for a round-the-world trip. I work from the South Pole Substation because it is closer to my day job in Sanctuary Point, AUS.
Next week, I will be visiting all the good Jerrems.
Greetings From Huntersville North Carolina
Donald and Sharon
All the best to our “virtual family” connected by common ancestry and the Internet.
From Sydney
Best wishes everybody. Baby Jessica, Anita and Brad will be joining us in Sydney for Christmas, which will be exciting. Fellow Australians, we hope the bushfires stay away this Christmas. For those in the Northern Hemisphere we hope it is not too cold.
We have had a lot of fun this year tracing the Jerrems history.
On Christmas Day we will be thinking of all you readers in Australia, England, France and the United States and will have a toast to you.
From a Beautiful Seaside Town South of Sydney, NSW
Laurel and Laurie Gray
Dear Cousins, Thanks for all the Thanksgiving Day greetings.
Please accept Christmas greetings from my husband Laurie and me. We live, retired, in a beautiful seaside town south of Sydney, NSW. The most exciting thing happening for us is that our family are now producing great grandchildren, a third is on the way. Unfortunately none carrying on the Jerrems name. Laurie and I lived in Papua, New guinea (north of Australia) for the first 17 years of our marriage, a wonderful time of our lives. On 11th January 06 Laurie will celebrate 50 years since he was ordained as a Congregational minister.
Lots of blessings to all our cousins,
Laurel and Laurie Gray.
Ray’s Note: Laurel is my second cousin, we share a common great grandfather Charles, one of the family that migrated from Gainsborough to Australia in the 1850s.
From Around The Globe
All the Rest: We, the Strong, the Handsome, the Beautiful, the Smart, the Brave, the Compassionate, the Few, the Jerrems.
Allis in Grove, OK USA
Anita and George Veale in Melbourne, AUS
Cathy in Meridian, Idaho USA
Brian and Cerise Harrison, Sydney AUS
Chick Keller in Oakland Park, Kansas USA
Charles Keller, Kansas, USA
Cindy in Washington DC USA
Dan in Baltimore, Maryland USA
Doug and Sue in Sanctuary Point AUS
Ian Harrison in Melbourne, AUS
Jerry in Surrey, ENG (Newest Subscriber – #37)
Jesse in Noosa Heads, AUS
Ken in Melbourne AUS
Steven and Kim in Simi Valley, CA USA
Lance and Linda in Melbourne, AUS
Miriam in Canberra, AUS
Roger & Caroline in Sydney AUS
Russ and Kathy Mandurah, West Australia, AUS