Current Perspective: From time to time, we will have features about the Jerrems family. You are invited to be a contributing reporter with news and information about all persons with the name of Jerrems. This is much easier than having a family reunion somewhere.
Initially we will include excerpts from the research and sendings of Ray Jerrems, our crack Family Genealogist based in Sydney Australia. Ray has previous journalism experience as editor of a Bushwalking Club mag in the 1960s.
Our initial sending for the Jerrems Journal will be seventeen e-mail addresses gathered over the years by Ray. You are welcome to send contributions or holiday greetings about Jerrems Folks.
Donald Jerrems
Jerrems Journal
World Wide Census of Jerrems
Ray Jerrems
Reporter for Jerrems Journal
Sydney, Australia
My guess is there are about 100 Jerrems in US and Australia, including a large family in Australia who I have not followed up yet (but I have started them). Unless some turn up in UK or Germany that is the worldwide Census result.
There is a popular theory that our Jerrems forbears were Huguenots who migrated from France. I thought that I would look in the French telephone directory on to see if any are listed. Unfortunately, you have to nominate a town to find a name.
In a future edition, we will include a theory from a transplanted Frenchman (Didier Begat married to Susan Jerrems) about what might have happened to the Jerrems families in France during the night of the 23-24 august 1572 “the Saint-Barthelemy night.
A Wonderful Jerrems Story Worth Repeating
The following humorous undated article (sent to me by Chick Keller, grandson of William George ll ), which appeared in several Chicago newspapers, proves that WG ll had a car around 1907.
“Mrs W.G. Jerrems is Fined. Auto Speeding in Glencoe is followed by Penalty fixed by Telephone.
Mrs. William G. Jerrems, 1106 Evanston Avenue, Evanston, arrested by the Glencoe police for speeding through that fashionable suburb, sent a check for $15 to Justice Lane today after pleading guilty and being fined $10 and the costs by the justice over the telephone.
“I was up at the north end of Glencoe with 2 women friends” said Mrs Jerrems “and we had started back to Evanston, going about 21 miles an hour. Suddenly all those men rose out of the brush as if by magic and I was frightened awfully, then we all went to the station where I signed the bonds.”
Mrs Jerrems is the first woman arrested by the Glenco police for speeding. “I don’t think 21 miles an hour is going fast” said Mrs Jerrems “There is no use going slow up that town anyway because the streets are almost always deserted.”
Mrs Jerrems is a handsome, accomplished woman and the wife of W.G.Jerrems, a wealthy clothing merchant.”
The article included a photo of a very fashionably dressed lady with an elaborate hairstyle and the imperious look of a Queen Victoria.
Despite her speeding habits (the speed of 21 MPH was outrageous!) I doubt if Genevieve (Mrs WG) would have posed a threat to Al Unser in the Indianapolis 500.
Editorial comments by Cuz Ray