Jerrems Family Newsletter
Dear Donald,
email from our third-party email service, Constant
Contact .
Aw shucks, it speaks for itself.
Dear Donald,
You’re using permission-based email marketing to
help drive your business. You’ve communicated
regularly with your customers and members. And
they’re clearly interested in hearing from you! You’ve
maintained sound permission-based email
marketing and list management best practices.
All of these indicate to us that you made excellent use
of Constant Contact last year. And we noticed!
That’s why we are proud to designate you as a 2008
Constant Contact All Star! You’re part of a special
group of our customers that we want to thank for
setting a great example for other email marketers.
Thank you again for using Constant Contact, and we
hope you’ll continue to serve as a great example to
others in 2009.
Best wishes,
Gail Goodman
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
Constant Contact stock is listed on the NASDAQ.
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Letter to Donald and Ray |
From Vincent Healy
Here is an email I received recently, from Vincent
Healy, one of my fellow great great grandchildren
Alexander Nicoll . It refers to the photo of Alexander,
Annie (Vincent’s grandmother) and Donald (my
grandfather) in the January Journal.
Dear Donald and Ray,
I remember my Grandmother, Ann, showing
photograph of her grandfather to my brother,
Mark, and
to me when we were both very young.
During many conversations with her, she’d add
gravitas to pronouncements anticipated to be
significant to my future by saying: “when you’re old and
have a L-O-N-G white beard…”
When she said this (which was quite often) always, it
brought to mind your photo of Alexander Nicholl in
the February Journal”!
I know very little about Alexander Nicholl, and very
much look forward to reading what you’ve found out
about him.
Two of Ann’s stories do–if dimly–come back to me.
Both relate to his apparently being one of those
Englishmen who loved exploration.
1) He visited Yosemite immediately following its
And, 2) While on Madagascar, he became friendly with
its ruler.
Unfortunately, a time came when the king wanted
Nicholl to remain as a guest on his island indefinitely.
According to Ann, this put a strain on her grandfather’s
side of the friendship. However, a discreet midnight
departure eventually ameliorated this friction.
Also, Donald and Ray, your fascinating account of the
Huguenot origins of the name Jerrems left me with a
question: could there be a branch on the Jerrems
family tree connected to Winston Churchill’s mother,
Jenny Jerome?
In closing, I want to let you know of my gratitude for
having discovered many EXCITING insights from
reading your Jerrems Family Newsletter.
Vince Healy
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Nicoll the Tailor, The Real Deal |
Ray Jerrems, Internet Sleuth
For some years I have been collecting information
about Nicoll the Tailor, the trading name adopted
Alexander Nicoll/Nicholl. There have been a
number of
articles in the Journal about Nicoll the Tailor. Readers
will recall that Alexander’s daughter Mary
William George Jerrems, one of the Jerrems
who migrated to Melbourne from Gainsborough in the
1850s. Most of our United States Jerrems readers
relate back to Alexander through William and Mary.
Alexander is our Editor Donald’s great great
Previously, despite obtaining lots of information about
Nicoll the Tailor, I was only able to obtain a sprinkling
of information about Alexander himself. Because his
daughter called herself Mary Nicholl Jerrems after she
married William I assumed that Alexander’s correct
surname was Nicholl, a quite popular Scottish name
which I found to be difficult to research because of that
It is now clear to me that although I had found some
references to him under the name “Nicholl” (possibly
attributable to errors by people transcribing
handwritten documents) he must have used the name
Here is a newspaper article which tells us a
lot more
about Alexander. It was published in the St Louis
Republic newspaper in Missouri on November
1895, and I located it by courtesy of the website
<brThe Newspaper
The Body of Alexander Nicoll, the Tailor, Brought Over
From London
The body of Alexander Nicoll, who was for a number of
years one of New York’s most prominent business
men, and who died in London on September 25, was
placed in Greenwood cemetery on Sunday November
Mr Nicoll’s fatal illness resulted from a cold which he
contracted while in Scotland early in September.
He was born in London on June 1, 1821 and in 1859
he came to New York, with a capital of only $300, and
opened a tailor shop at 143 Bowery. The basis of his
rapid and complete success was the introduction of
low priced custom tailoring. For six years he had no
imitator. Within that time he opened six branch stores
in different parts of the city, and enlarged his store in
the Bowery until it occupied half a block. After
establishing his New York stores he opened many
out-of-town branches, and by the fall of 1879 he had
52 stores distributed throughout all the States in the
In ???? he decided to retire from the
business and began closing his branches. His
Chicago and other Western stores he sold to his son-
in-law, WG Jerrems of Chicago and his son, Donald
Nicoll, became the proprietor of the New York and
Eastern branches. Donald Nicoll is now conducting
the two New York stores, one at 147 Bowery and the
other at 171 Broadway.
Mr Nicoll was always quick to adopt every new
invention in machinery that could be used in his
business. He was the first business man in New
York to use electricity for illuminating purposes, and
was one of the first to use the telephone. He was a
thorough believer in advertising, and often spent as
much as $100,000 a year for this purpose. He was
warmly admired and beloved by all his employees.
After his retirement from business in 1885 he went
around the world twice, and crossed the Atlantic 40
times, travelling all the time merely for pleasure. He
was in excellent health until his last illness.
Socially he was of a retiring disposition, but
he was remarkably well informed on many subjects.
He was a member of St George’s Society and the
Reform Club.”
Alexander the Family Man
The newspaper article only mentions one son. In fact
Alexander’s wife was named Mary and they had eight
children (including Mary and Donald), according to a
handwritten family tree prepared by Chick Keller’s
mother (nee Sydney Jerrems) as a
Alexander the Business Man.
The “Nicoll
the Tailor”
business was certainly a major enterprise. Indicative
of this is the figure of $100,000 spent annually on
advertising. The current day equivalent of this could be
in the vicinity of ten million dollars.
Through trade cards (I currently have copies of 82
such cards) and other sources I have located about
45 stores in Washington DC and 20 States. The
States were California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida,
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri,
Nebraska, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington,
and Wisconsin.
Also, Alexander had a mail order system where
customers outside the cities which had stores could
be sent instructions on how to measure themselves,
complete with a tape measure. Men’s suits were then
made up according to the measurements. I have
located newspaper advertisements for this in States
as far afield as North and South Dakota.
Greenwood Cemetery
According to Wikipedia Green-Wood Cemetery was
founded in 1838 as a rural cemetery in Kings County,
New York, now in Brooklyn. It was a popular tourist
attraction in the 1850s and was the place most
famous New Yorkers who died during the second half
of the nineteenth century were buried.
It is still an operating cemetery with approximately
600,000 graves spread out over 478 acres (1.9 km˛).
If you are in the area pop in and pass on our regards
to Alexander.
The newspaper article provides a lot more information
on the previously elusive Alexander Nicoll. Now that I
know his correct name I might be more successful in
my research.
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Old Ray the Family Ghost Strikes Again |
Donald Jerrems
We Never Know Where He will Show Up
There he is in the background; his smiling face is just
above Obama’s right hand.
Being a ghost means he can just float around to any
ceremony without credentials.
We understand the Jerrems Guardian Angel,
Angie, was also in Washington DC. She is
supposed to prevent these intrusions embarrassing
to our family name.
Contact Information
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